Thursday, June 21, 2012

Soine Kareshi Hitsuji app to be released! Android Soine Kareshi?

Fans of both the Soine Kareshi application and Ryotaro Okiayu can rejoice! One of the spin off series of the "Soine Kareshi" Series "Soine Hitsuji" will get its own app! VisualWorks combines the Soine Kareshi (Sleepy-Time Boyfriend) Situation CD series with the interaction of smart phones. With the main "Weekend version" ending, VisualWorks has added two spin off series.

We talked about the VitaminX one in a previous post but announced before that was the app version of "Soine Hitsuji" (Sleepy-Time Sheep) The first CD which will be released on June 29th, Is "Yasuomi". He is voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu. There is no date on when his app will be release. The announcement came on Visualwork's official "Soine" Twitter. 

Tweet reads: [INFO] (Soine hitsuji CD) application plans are in order! The first one will be Ryotaro Okiayu's "Yasuomi".  The close day of its release has been decided! The "Soine Kareshi" series will still continue!!
Also on Visualwork's twitter was an announcment a month back that they would be developing the "Sleepy-Time Boyfriend" Android version. As of last night, VisualWorks tweeted saying the app was 97% complete. It had no issues on any of the machines it was tested on. They also posted a picture of the app on various Android phones.

Tweet reads: Android version of Soine Kareshi (Weekend Soine Kareshi CD ver) is now 97% complete. Please wait just a little longer. We are now checking for any problems but there are none to report! 
The android version comes at a special request from the next release's voice source, Toshiyuki Morikawa. For reasons unknown, he pressed for the release of an Android version of the app. The news doesn't come as a surprise to many of the Japanese fans as the VisualWorks twitter account was spammed with requests for an Android version daily. While the development of the Android is good news for Droid users, it has pushed back the release of "Masaya' almost two weeks. 

Sweet Dreams with you and your Sleepy-Time Boyfriend!


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