Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sengoku BASARA 4 MASSIVE UPDATE POST PART 2 (Game Play and New Features)

In part two of our article, we are going to bring some of the newest features of the game to light.

This first game play guide trailer indicated that the previous button scheme for the series has remained mostly the same. The square, triangle, X, and circle button features remain the same. Returning from Sengoku BASARA 3 utage, is the the L1 + triangle combo. This move is a variation of the triangle attack.

New moves to the game include the R2 switch. The R2 attack (Since Sengoku BASARA 3) is an attack that can be equipped. The R2 attack in SB3 and utage was limited to three options and only one at a time. Usually this was ranged attack or element based. (I.E. One of Masamune's attack options was "Hell Dragon" which was a lightening ranged attack.) Now in 4, two of these attacks can be equipped. By pressing L1 and R2 the attack can be changed. (see 0:25 in the trailer above)

The L1 button also remains as the guard button. However, newly added is the ability to dodge. Holding the L1 button while moving in a direction creates a dodge affect. While the move was initially a side step, it can lead into a parry. If the dodge is timed correctly, the character will dash away. [0:43] A parry can lead into a duel if successful when fighting a warlord. (I.E. Main Characters). If you guard in air, you can recover from a fall by pressing X. Dodging, parrying, and dueling all help raise the "smart gauge"

By guarding and moving at the correct time, the character can perform an advanced dash
The smart gauge takes the place of the bust gauge from Sengoku BASARA 3 and Utage. (Utage had an additional gauge option that was reused from SB2) The smart gauge gives the player extra strength and a different move set for a short period of time. When this mode is activated, an elevated BASARA move can be complete if the BASARA gauge is full. The smart gauge is also filled by taking over camps. The smart gauge boost is activated by pressing L1 + R1 (this was previously a shortcut for the BASARA attack)

A fan requested move added into the mix is "Comrade Directive". When using the assist mode, the assisting character can be directed to attack certain areas. Pressing the L2 button summons the supporting character. If the move is initiated during an aerial attack, the supporting character will continue the aerial attack. They can also attack and collect the contents of treasure boxes. [1:47]

Comrade Directive allows you to select where the assisting character can go. 

Comrade Directive can even continue areal combos

The most anticipated move is the "Giga BASARA" After having used the "Commander Directive" command, if the BASARA gauge is full, the two characters will have a joint BASARA attack (called Giga BASARA) the attack is the same for all characters. However, the ending and beginning animation sequences change based on who is in the attack team. [2:30]

Players in select stages can now pick up large guns and other weapon. While using an targeting system, the player can target soldiers, camp guards and key items in the stage.

Sengoku BASARA 4: FPS edition 
In game leveling up has also been added. Unlike previous BASARA games where the player leveled up after beating the stage, they can level up while playing. When new moves are unlocked, they are immediately available for the player to use.

Character, Weapons, and Armor can all level up in stage. 

If a new attack is unlocked through leveling, it can be available right away. 

Players aren't the only ones who have powered up. The enemy camp leader now has improved defense. By creating a tower, a camp can only be taken over after a series of timed attacks brings down the tower.

Camp leaders no long occupy a single hut
Timed events bring down the tower

Another new feature to the game is the ability for the enemy to summon a captain. This captain can rally the soldiers.

When this guy shows up, all hell will break lose. 
 Depending on the type of formation you are fighting, the enemy can rally in to one of many types of stacked formations. In addition to the gun tower a modified version using arrows has been added.

Another modified version is the wheel. Two new versions have been added.
Bomb Circle and Hammer Circle

A modification of the spear tornado has been added.

The Fire Tornado 
Shield stackers have also been modified.

Just when you thought it was safe, the no jump stacker. 

Bamboo warriors can deflect some attacks and camouflage themselves.  
New stacker additions. Not all details of their abilities have been released yet.

Double Cannon Man 

Human Ladder 

Magical Barrier Ninjas 

Stilts Warrior 
Not all the stackers are bad however. Newer additions include player friendly stackers.
The chef stacker can feed your army and you. But you can look this gift horse in the mouth because it can also poison your army and kill all your men. When it glows purple beware.

The chef prepares a poisonous rice ball for your team.

The money carrying soldiers return as well. This time the can stack but a word of caution, some of them are decoys.

Money Money Money 
Finally the newest captain directives affect the lowly foot soldiers.

When the is given, foot soldiers can sudden bare spears.

Mitsunari is crushed by a dog pile. 

These soldiers can run around fast enough to fling you away.
 Despite all the information that has come out, Capcom has announced that they aren't done yet.

Capcom's official "Sengoku BASARA 4" web page - 

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